DORF - Family Branch 7
Descendants of Miriam Necha Dorf
Created: Sept. 15, 2003.
Revised: 4/07/2023, 15/02/2022, 5/11/2021, 10/09/20220, 16/04/2020, 2/03/2019, 28/09/2017, 12/06/2017, 18/04/2017, 1/02/2016 (Pictures), 17/05/2015, Sept. 4, 2011, Mar. 2, 2011, Nov. 15, 2010, June, 6, 2008, Oct. 30, 2007, May. 6, 2007.
Sources: POT - Yad-Vashem Page of Testimony.
JRI-PL - Jewish record Indexing - Poland.
SSDI - USA Social Security Death Index.
Red first letter (such as Born) denotes that I have a copy of the
said document.
I will be happy to provide you free copies upon request.
If you have documents not shown here,
please send me a copy.
Thank you. Shmuel.
If you spot mistakes or omissions, please write to me at:
Ra'anana, Israel
Tel: +972-(0)9-744-5222
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