Herszkowicz Family Tree

Branch - 4    Descendants of  Shmuel Menachem Mendel Herszkowicz  

לאתר בעברית

If you spot mistakes or omissions, please write to me at: shmuelk@kehati.co.il               
 Ra'anana, Israel.
Tel: +972-(0)9-744-5222 ,

Updated: 30/12/2024, 28/05/2023, 10/12/2022, 20/09/2022, 22/05/2022, 6/08/2021, 10/02/2021, 22/10/2020, 1/06/2020, 22/03/2020, 18/06/2019, 15/07/2018, 26/12/2017, 16/04/2017, 30/12/2016, 14/01/2016,  15/10/2015, 20/06/2015, 15/03/2015 ,10/10/2014, 21/08/2014, 13/01/2014, 12/12/2013, 19/09/2013, 8/08/2013, 4/04/2013, 31/08/2011, 22/03/2011, 28/01/2010, 9/10/2009, 23/08/2009, 25 /09/2008, 15/06/2009, 8/07/2008, 12/05/2008,  27/01/2008, 12/01/2008, 28/09/2007, 23/08/2007, 13/07/2007, 10/06/2007, 21/01/2007, 16/06/2006, 23/04/2006, 23/11/2005, 7/10/2005, 7/12/2003, 27/06/2003,1/03/2003,1/07/2002, 26/04/2001, 28/01/2001, 28/06/1999,03/01/1999.

      Sources:  POT - Yad-Vashem Page of Testimony.
                JRI-PL - Jewish record Indexing - Poland.
                 Jewishgen - Globel Home for Jewish Genealogy.
                 BoR - Lodz Book of Residents between 1897 and 1930.
         B - Denotes that I have a copy of the Birth Registration.
        M - Denotes that I have a copy of the Marriage Registration.
        D - Denotes that I have a copy of the Death Registration, or a picture of the Gravestone.
        I will be happy to provide you free copies upon request. If you have documents not shown here, please send me a copy.

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   Family names in this branch: Berenblut, Rabstein, Marynower, Hurst, Hirsty 

 Generation No.

+ 2nd wife of Max Banitt: Chana Sinyaver (Chasidof). Born: 1922.      (D. of Yecheskel & Esther).
        Died: 18/02/2014 in Tel-Aviv, Israel
.    [Source:  Holon Cem.  16, 2, 5, #10].

*2nd wife of Willy Marynower: Evelyn Juluisburg.
   Died: 01/2006 in Belo, Horizonte, Brazil.

                  + Louis Michael Fiore. Born: 1953 in Los-Angeles, Ca. U.S.A.

                 + Amy Lynn Rusin. Born: 1970 in Michigan, USA.             City: Costa-Mesa, Ca, U.S.A.
                  Married: 3/11/1997 in Nevada, USA.     [Source: Ca. Marriage reg].

        *2nd Wife of Bill Hirsty: Marilyn Elaine Segil-Goldin.  Born: Abt. 1944 in Illinois, USA.             City: Sherman-Oaks, Ca, U.S.A.
                               Married: 14/02/1971 in Los-Angeles, Ca U.S.A.      [Source: Ca. Marriage reg. 22650].