Updated: 2/06/2021, 21.10.2013, Mar. 12, 2012, June 29, 2008, Mar. 23, 2008, Jan. 28, 2008, Dec. 23, 2007. Nov. 1, 2007, Oct. 17, 2007.
My name is Yehuda Eisenberg (in Branch-2).                                                                               
If you have comments or additional information, please contact me at:
                  Tel: +972-(0)3-571-9144.      yehudaei@yahoo.com       

The FAMILY Name. From documents we found in various sources we now know that the family name is spelled in many variations: Myntz, Mintz, Muntz, Mintc or Minc.

During our research we came across Minc families who are not yet connected to our Tree.  Click here to see those.

Our connection to the Vilna Gaon

It was always known in our family that we are descendants of the Vilna Gaon. It was my mother who told me when I was very young that her father, Israel Moshe Mintz born 1857, was fifth generation from The Gaon.
My mother also told me about their plight from Vilna area to Poland because they were sought after by the authorities for unlawfully burying the remains of a Jew who was persecuted and burnt to death. 

When I arrived in Israel after the Holocaust and met with my mother's Makower family in Bene-Brak, I heard from them this exact same thing again. This is mentioned in a book they wrote about their family called "The Tree Which Wasn't Cut Down" (1998, in Hebrew). They also told me that when my grandfather, Israel Moshe Mintz, entered the Shul, all men rose from their seats to honor him.

With the arrival of the Internet, and genealogical resources made available via jri-pl, I was able to trace our Minc family back to Fajbus Szraga, Born about 1760, (no documents exist from earlier dates), his son Wulek born about 1808 and 13 grandchildren, the eldest being Fajbush born 2/05/1829 in Mlawa, Poland, and another one of them being Abraham Zelek Muntz, born 1854

The descendants of the Vilna Gaon were documented over the generations, and recently in the book "Eliyahu's Branches" by Chaim Freedman. In his book (page 568) Mr. Freedman mentions a Mintz family in London England, who had similar lore in their family. They knew that their grandfather, Abraham Pinchas Zelek Muntz, born 1854, was a descendant of The Gaon. I contacted them and was told about Ruth and Yitzchak Greenwald, from Givatayim, Israel.
When I first met Ruth and Yitzchak in February 2007, I was astonished when they showed me their family photographs, one of which shows the matzeva of
Ruth's great-grandfather, Abraham Pinchas Zelig Muntz, who died in 1923 in Makow, Poland.
They are now included in our Tree at Branch-1.


Later, in August 2007, we were contacted by Avraham Ricter of New-York. He connected his Branch to our Tree, and in their family book "Fun Makow biz di Harei Choshech" by: Zev Blum, the connection to the Gaon is mentioned as well. See them at Branch-3.

This photograph provides us with the proof we were all looking for, for so long.

The inscription in Hebrew on the Matzeva translates to: Here is buried a humble, righteous and God fearing man, Abraham Pinchas Zelig, son of R' Shraga, son of Rabbi Zev, grandson of Rabbi Shraga head of the Bet-Din in Makow and Przasnysz, son-in-law of the Gaon Rabbi Eliyahu from Vilna. Died 3rd of Iyar 5683.

The four generations mentioned in this Matzeva coincides with the information we had from the documents we found from Mlawa, because the name Shraga in Hebrew and the name Feibush in Yiddish both mean "light", and are very often used together.
Furthermore, it states clearly that Shraga Feibush was a descendant of the
Vilna Gaon, and provides the proof to what my mother told me:

Her father was fifth generation of the Gaon.

Looking again at Freedman's book (page 391), we find that it was Uri Shraga Feibush (Uri in Hebrew also means "light") who married The Gaon's youngest daughter, Tauba. She was born in about 1768 and died at a young age about 1812. Mr. Freedman mentions 3 children born between 1787 and 1797, and a fourth son born in 1812, a 15 years gap. Our Wulek Wolf Zev (Wulek in Polish, Wolf in Yiddish and Zev in Hebrew) was born about 1808, which could make him a son of Tauba, the daughter of the Gaon.

I consulted many sources of information, some are detailed here:

   1. "Lodz, My Memory"; by Pinchas Minc      (See Branch-5),    1958 (in Yiddish).
   2.  Pages of Testimony (POT) from Yad-Vashem.
   3.  JRI-PL, is a genealogical research organization, found at http://jri-poland.org/index.htm
   4.  Ghetto-Lodz and Lodz Cemetery lists.
   5.  LDS microfilms.
   6.  SSDI - The US Social Sewcurity Death Index.

Our Minc Family Tree

HGeneration No.
1 Fajbus Szraga. Born: Abt. 1760. (Was AB"D in Dobrovna ans Mlawa)
            [Source: Matzeva of g-grandson Abraham Pinchas Zelek in Makow].
             Died: Bfr 1829.
      * Tauba.  Born: Abt.  1768 in Vilna, Lithuania. Daughter of R' Eliyahu, The Vilna Gaon.
               Died: Abt.
1812 in Dubrovno, Byelorussia.
....2 Wulek, Wolf, Zev (Binyamin) Muntz. Born: Abt. 1808.   
[Source: Son Fajbus birth reg.].
            Was Dayan in Mlawa. [Source:
Fun Makow biz di Harei Choshech, by: Zev Blum].
.... * Ryfka (Sura?) Mlawski. Born: Abt. 1812.   
[Source: Son Fajbus birth reg.].
           Died: 20/11/1868 in Mlawa, Poland. [Source: JRI-PL D#59].
.......3 Fajbus Szraga Muntz. Born: 2/05/1829 in Mlawa, Poland. [Source: jri-pl 1832 B#14, Film # 702,504].
                  Died: 19/11/1896 in Mlawa, Poland.  [Source: jri-pl D#72, PSA].
....... * Ester Goldstejn. Born: Abt. 1830.
                  Married 22/12/1847 in Mlawa, Poland.  Divorced [Source: jri-pl M#19, Film # 702,504].
....... 2nd wife of 3. Fajbus Muntz:  Taube Laie Niedzwiedz .
                  Born: 03/07/1835 in Plock, Poland.        [Source: jri-pl B#27, Film # 730,201].
                  Married: 20/05/1851 in Plock, Poland.   [Source: jri-pl M#23, Film # 730,203].
..........4 Sura Malka Muntz.      Born: 21/02/1852 in Mlawa, Poland. 
                                                                          [Source: jri-pl B#22
, Film # 702,505].
..........4 Abraham
Pinchas Zelek Muntz. Born: 27/08/1854 in Mlawa, Poland. 
                                                                        [Source: jri-pl B#58
, Film # 702,505]
                  Died: 19/04/1923 in Makow, Poland.                 
[Source: Date on Matzeva shown above].
              *  Ita Borensztejn (Daughter of Nuchem Borensztejn & Bayla Katz).
                        Born: 23/08/1856 in Przasnysz, Poland.   
[Source: jri-pl].    
                        Married: 1873 in Przasnysz, Poland.        
 [Source: jri-pl M#35, PSA].
                        Died: Abt. 1940 in Poland.
                For Continuation, See BRANCH-1

.........4 Izrael Mosiek Myntz.   Born: 24/01/1857 in Mlawa, Poland.  [Source: jri-pl B#3, Film # 702,505]. 
                        Died: 07/06/1940 in Lodz, Poland.                       [Source: Lodz Cemetery records]. 
.......... * Chaya Sara Makower.
                        Born: 15/10/1857 in Plock, Poland. [Source: jri-pl, film #
1201497, 1866, B# 28].
                        Married: 5/11/1881 in Mlawa, Poland.     [Source: jri-pl M#35, PSA].
                        Died: 05/09/1940 in Lodz, Poland.           [Source: Lodz Cemetery records].
                For Continuation, See BRANCH-2

.........4 Ruchla Muntz. Born 2/07/1859 in Mlawa, Poland.     [Source: jri-pl B#113, Film #702,505].
.........4 Mordka Binem Muntz. Born: 13/07/1861 in Mlawa, Poland.  [Source: jri-pl B#54, Film #702,505].
            * Chana Mlawaski. Born: Abt. 1856 in Plonsk, Poland.
                Marriage: 28/06/1881 in Nasielsk, Poland.                    
  [Source: jri-pl M#13,Film # 730,203].

.........4 Dawid Josek Minc. Born: abt. 1863 in Mlawa, Poland.
            * Beila malka Dan. Born: Abt. 1867.
                Marriage: 19/05/1883 in Mlawa, Poland. 
[Source: jri-pl M#20, PSA].

...3 Dawid Muntz. Born:
27/03/1835 in Mlawa, Poland.                [Source: jri-pl B#6, Film # 702,504].
....... * Sura Hana Kalman. Born: Abt. 1832 in Przasnysz, Poland
           Married: 13/12/1849 in Przasnysz, Poland.                           
[Source: jri-pl M#45, Film # 705,258].
.........4 Feybusz Myntz.       Born: 21/01/1853 in Przasnysz, Poland.  
[Source: jri-pl B#8, Film # 705,258].
.........4 Cypa Ruchla Mintz. Born: 24/02/1855 in Przasnysz, Poland. 
[Source: jri-pl B#25, Film # 705,258].
Zelman Zelek Perlowicz.
Married: 1877 in Przasnysz, Poland.                                 [Source: jri-pl M# 9, PSA].
                  Died: Warszawa ?                                                            [Source: jri-pl, Cemetery records].
Fajwel Perlowicz. Born: 1878 in Przasnysz, Poland.           [Source: jri-pl B# 31, PSA].
            5 Bajla   Perlowicz. Born: 1879 in Przasnysz, Poland.           [Source: jri-pl B# 131, PSA].
            5 Rafael Perlowicz. Born: 1881 in Przasnysz, Poland.          [Source: jri-pl B# 59, PSA].
.........4 Chaia Bayla Mintz. Born: 17/12/1857 in Przasnysz, Poland. [Source: jri-pl B#8, Film # 702,528].
 Died: 09/1859 in Mlawa, Poland.             [Source: jri-pl D#40, Film # 702,205].
.........4 Josef Myntz.         Born: 7/11/1858 in Mlawa, Poland.        [Source: jri-pl B#29, Film # 702,205].
.........4 Chewetka Myntz. Born:
31/12/1860 in Mlawa, Poland.      [Source: jri-pl B#87, Film # 702,205].
Icek Natan Domb.
                  Married: 1883 in Przasnysz, Poland.                              
[Source: jri-pl M#23, PSA].
......3 Szyma Muntz.          Born:
23/06/1836 in Mlawa, Poland.     [Source: jri-pl B#9, Film # 702,504].
         * Refael Hersz Gerlic.
         For Continuation, See BRANCH-3

.... 3 Arie Leibel Mintz. Born: 1844.  Was שו"ב in Mlawa
                   Died: 19/01/1929 in Czeladz (near Bedzin), Poland.  [Source: JOWBR Matzeva].
         + Chana Ruzha Segal.  Born: Abt. 1840.
   For Continuation, See BRANCH-4

......3 Suchar Ber Muntz.   Born: 29/05/1843 in Mlawa, Poland.    [Source: jri-pl B#39, Film # 702,504].
                                           Died: 15/08/1847 in Mlawa, Poland.   
[Source: jri-pl D#36, Film # 702,504].
......3 Hena Rajzel Muntz. Born:
17/09/1846 in Mlawa, Poland.    [Source: jri-pl B#63, Film # 702,504].
......3 Szlama Iciek Muntz. Born:
25/04/1848 in Mlawa, Poland.   [Source: jri-pl B#33, Film # 702,505].
Sura Lai Muntz.       Born: 09/1849 in Mlawa, Poland.          [Source: jri-pl]. 
28/01/1850 in Mlawa, Poland.      [Source: jri-pl D#1, Film # 702,505].
......3 Pinchas Gedalja Myntz. Born:
31/08/1850 in Mlawa, Poland. [Source: jri-pl B#77, Film # 702,505]. 
                      Died: Abt. 1907 in Mlawa Poland.                                
[Source: Harry's book].
............. 4  Harry, Hersch Wolf, Mintz. Born: Abt. 1883 in Mlawa, Poland. [Source: 1920, 1930 Census].
                        (Born: Abt. 1887), Died: 24/02/1952 in New-York, NY, U.S.A.   
[Source: Matzeva in NY].
                   * Lena.   Born: Abt 1885 in Poland .                                   
[Source: 1920, 1930 Census].
                           Married: Abt.  1904 in New-York, NY, U.S.A.             [Source: 1930 Census].
 5 David Mintz.      Born: 23/01/1915 in New-York, NY, U.S.A.
................. 5 Abraham Mintz. Born: 26/02/1919 in New-York, NY, U.S.A.
                        Died: 9/03/2008 Brooklyn, NY, U.S.A.                     
[Source: SSDI].
                       * Estelle.   Born: 16/07/1920.
                              Died: 01/1994 in
Valley Stream ,NY, U.S.A.      [Source: SSDI].
.....................  6 Marsha Lee Mintz. Born: 1943 in Spartanburg, SC, U.S.A.    City: California, U.S.A.
                          * Stephen Edward Kahn. Born: 1944 in New-Haven, Cn U.S.A.   
                                Married: 15/10/1967 in Queens, NY, U.S.A.       Divorced.   City: NJ, U.S.A.
........................... 7 Jason Lee Kahn. Born: 1969 in Long Island , NY, U.S.A.   City: Dallas, Tx, U.S.A.
6 William Mintz. Born: 1947.
..................... 6 Gaille Mintz.    Born: 1951.
........................... 7 Jordan Mintz.
......3 Heweta Myntz.    Born:
13/03/1852 in Mlawa, Poland.    [Source: jri-pl B#29, Film # 702,505].
......3 Kajla Myntz.        Born:
20/11/1854 in Mlawa, Poland.    [Source: jri-pl B#78, Film # 702,505].
                                      Died: 1872 in Mlawa, Poland.               
[Source: jri-pl D#98, Film # 702,505].
......3 Eliasz Josef Mintz. Born:
15/01/1857 in Mlawa, Poland. [Source: jri-pl B#2, Film # 702,505].
13/08/1857 in Mlawa, Poland.     [Source: jri-pl D#23, Film # 702,505].
Jankel Muntz.     Born: Abt. 06/1859 in Mlawa, Poland.        
24/09/1860 in Mlawa, Poland.    [Source: jri-pl D#32, Film # 702,506].
......3 Jciek Minc. Born: 9/04/1860 in Mlawa, Poland.      [Source: jri-pl B#20, Film # 702,506].
            ? + Shaina Sura.
           4. Aron Wulek Minc. Born: Abt. 1889 in Mlawa, Poland.
                                               Died: 1/08/1894 in Mlawa, Poland.     [Source: jri-pl D#215].